● 催事名称:東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック広報支援業務
● 担当業務:ブース設営・運営(パネル展示・映像放映・アンケート集計・ノベルティ配布)
● 実施期間:2019年4月~2020年3月
● 取引団体:東京都
Unei-ya also undertakes projects related to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Although we have outsourcing from private companies, we would like to introduce the results of the business contracted from Tokyo.
In this event, we held booths to introduce the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, collect questionnaires, and distribute novelties among the events held in Tokyo.
It was an important time to refrain from the competition one year later, and although it was not a big project that could be introduced on the website, I was in charge of about 40 public relations events a year.
The most important consideration in operation was the accessibility to the booth. From the perspective of behavioral psychology, by arranging the panel exhibition space in the back and installing the reception desk in the foreground, it will be difficult to approach the booth due to the staff’s line of sight, so the reception staff and the front passers will face each other in front. I proposed a booth layout to avoid exchanging eyes.
Also, as for the staff’s publicity, the event participants’ eyes can be naturally seen without being too persistent, attention can be paid by moving their entire body, and even if a passerby does not immediately stop by the booth, they can come later. In order to receive it, we conducted management that gave guidance and consideration to staff behavior, such as making public relations comments in short words.
In addition to this, I think that the detailed services we have, such as customer service, listening, and effective greeting methods that give visitors a sense of security, were useful.
Rather than big and small events, we can firmly understand the people who participate in the event and the purpose of holding it and propose the most effective operation according to the scale of the event and the operation system. It may be a strength.
● Name of event: Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic public relations support work
●Responsible duties: Booth setup/operation (panel display, video broadcast, questionnaire aggregation, novelty distribution)
● Implementation period: April 2019 to March 2020
● Trading organization: Tokyo
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